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Photosensitive resistor CDS
Home > PRODUCTS > LDR & Thermal Series > LDR Sensor > Photosensitive resistor CDS

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Photoresistor is a kind of resistor which is made of semiconductor photoelectric effect, and its resistance value changes with the intensity of incident light. The photo resistor is generally used for light measurement, light control and photoelectric conversion (to convert the change of light into the change of electricity). Common photosensitive resistor cadmium sulfide photosensitive resistor is made of semiconductor material.
The resistance of the photoresist varies with the intensity of the incident light (visible light). In the dark, its resistance (dark resistance) can reach 1-10 m Ω. In the strong light (100lx), its resistance (bright resistance) is only a few hundred to thousands of Ω. The sensitivity of photoresist to light (i.e. spectral characteristics) is very close to the response of human eye to visible light (0.4 ~ 0.76) μ M. as long as the light can be felt by human eye, its resistance will change. In the design of light control circuit, incandescent light bulb or natural light is used as control light source, which greatly simplifies the design.

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