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Thermistor MZ11B PTC
Home > PRODUCTS > LDR & Thermal Series > PTC Series > Thermistor MZ11B PTC

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Mz11b series PTC thermistor is mainly used for high performance ballast and energy saving lamp with zero temperature rise and zero power consumption.
Mz11b series PTC thermistor is actually a composite element of PTC thermistor R T series varistor r v. When the power is on, the voltage is higher than the voltage sensitive voltage of R V, and R V is in the on state. The preheating and starting process is basically completed independently by R t. After the lamp starts and lights up in normal working state, the voltage drops rapidly to the voltage of R V varistor, and R V is in off state, so that zero power consumption and zero temperature rise can be realized. The model selection of mz11b series is basically similar to that of mz11a series, except that the voltage of R V varistor should be slightly higher than that of lamp.

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